
Ourskillednursepractitionersspecializeindiagnosingandtreatingbreastcancer.Theyseepatientsindependentlyandoccasionallyalongsideyourdoctor.,Ifyourmilkisdelayedcomingin,oryou'renotmakingenoughmilk,don'tgiveup.Readonforsomehelpfultips.,In-personlactationconsultationsareavailableMondaythroughFridaybetween9a.m.and5p.matourlocationatPeninsulaPediatricMedicalGroupinMenlo ...,Westronglyendorsebreastmil...

Breast Cancer Program

Our skilled nurse practitioners specialize in diagnosing and treating breast cancer. They see patients independently and occasionally alongside your doctor.

Breastfeeding and Delayed Milk Production

If your milk is delayed coming in, or you're not making enough milk, don't give up. Read on for some helpful tips.

Breastfeeding Support

In-person lactation consultations are available Monday through Friday between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m at our location at Peninsula Pediatric Medical Group in Menlo ...

Breastfeeding | Newborn Nursery

We strongly endorse breast milk as the optimal nutrition for newborns. We also know that, while breastfeeding is natural, it is not always easy, and that each ...

Clearing the Hurdles to Breastfeeding

“To have some dedicated tools in those first few days not only encourages mothers to continue breastfeeding,” Sherman says, “it makes for healthier babies.”.


This class will give you the foundation for getting the best start with your baby and when to reach out for help. We will cover how milk is made, recognizing ...

Preparing for Successful Breastfeeding

The videos and images on this site contain demonstrations of carefully evaluated techniques to enable successful breastfeeding for mother and child. Thank you ...

Stanford's Short Course on Breastfeeding

Stanford's Short Course on Breastfeeding was designed for new mothers and the people who support them. This engaging, one-week learning experience, ...